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Description of Topic

Miscellaneous Paranormal Information.

Miscellaneous Paranormal Information Details of everything from Spontaneous Human Combustion to Ball Lightning.
Miscellaneous Paranormal Information.
Paranormal Image Gallery Images or everything from Spontaneous Human Combustion, to Ghosts.
Paranormal Image Gallery.
Miscellaneous Text Files Read about some of the most perculiar Paranormal events in history.
Miscellaneous Paranormal Text Files.
Ghosts Information and Pictures of Ghosts, and other spooky things.
Crop Circles Every year, around the globe, there are thousands of reports of strange patterns and designs appearing in fields. Some have claimed it is a simple hoax, but with some patterns showing extraordinary precision, and being of a massive size, could it be that simple??
Crop Circles.
Voodoo So-called 'Black Magic'.
The Bermuda triangle Over the years, there have been hundreds of mysterious dissaperiences in 'The Bermuda Triangle'. These include Aircraft, people and shipping. Freak weather conditions? UFO abduction? Who knows??
The Bermuda Triangle.
The Prophecies of Nostradamus Born in 1503 in Provence, Nostradamus was the World's most famous Prophet. Some say he accurately predicted the start of WW2 amongst many other major events. Some say this is reading too much into his words..
Nostradamus - The World's greatest prophet?.
Easter Island How did the mysterious stone heads get there?
Easter Island and The Mysterious Stone Heads.
The Pyramids How were the pyramids in Egypt built and who lived there?
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids.
Cryptozoology Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, Werewolves, The Yeti, and many other freaks of nature.
Bigfoot and other Monsters.
The Skeptic's Dictionary A dictionary of paranormal terms.
The Skeptic's Dictionary.

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